Problems with the "Quran Only" Approach
Problems and Issues with the Quran for "Quran Only" Muslims:
If someone refuses to acknowledge the many errors and horrible, repulsive, violent, intolerant, and embarrassing things found in the Hadith (like Quran only Muslim do), then this poses many problems for them:
1) First, the Quran commands Muslim in Surah 4:65 to submit to Muhammad's decisions, but Muhammad's decisions are found in the Hadith, not the Quran. So a Muslim can't obey the Quran without obeying the Hadith. If a Muslim rejects the Hadith, they are disobeying the Quran.
2) Second, the Quran declares in Surah 33:21 that Muhammad is the pattern of conduct for Muslims, but Muhammad's conduct is recorded in the Hadith, not the Quran. So without the Hadith, Muslims can't know how to pattern their lives.
3) Third, the 5 pillars of Islam are all found in the Hadith (Sahih Al-Bukhari 2:7), not the Quran. So if someone rejects the Hadith, then they must reject the basic fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam.
4) Fourth, the history of the Quran and how it was composed is not found in the Quran, but in the Hadith and other external sources. So if a Muslim only believes in the Quran, then they can't know how the Quran came about.
5) Fifth, the history of Muhammad is not found in the Quran. So, if someone rejects the Hadith and other external sources, then they will know almost nothing about who Muhammad was. They won't be able to know the basic history of Muhammad and his life but will be left in the dark about who he was. So, if you know virtually nothing about the man who is behind the Quran, why believe anything the Quran says? How can we know it's from a credible source?
To further show just how important the Hadith is to Islam, here is what Abdul Malik Mujahid, an Islamic scholar who founded Darussalam Publishers in 1986 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, had to say about the Hadith:
"Islam has given two reliable pathways for the guidance of mankind. One of them is the clear Verses of Qur'ân while the other, quite consistent with the first, is what we call Sunnah or Hadith. To explain and interpret its basic and brief teachings, Qur'ân has itself mentioned the need for Sunnah and the Prophet's model lifestyle. The latter explains the former. The Sunnah is an indispensable guide to understand the commandments and passages of Qur'ân. Without Ahadith, the entire faith and the entire Shari’ah (Islamic Law) will become no better than a riddle. It is to be noted that the wealth of expository material relating to Shari'ah, as found in Ahadith, was also given to the Prophet by Allah through the archangel Gabriel (Jibra'il). This is why Qur'ân is called Revelation Recited (Wahy Matlu) while the Hadith is called Revelation Unrecited (Wahy Ghair Matlu)....The authority of HadIth, its truth and its position in Shari’ah is indisputable." (English Translation of Sahih Muslim, Volume 1. (2007). Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Darussalam. Page 15, under the Publisher’s Foreword)
Errors, Violence, Intolerance, and Abuse in the Quran:
If someone refuses to acknowledge the Hadith, then here some errors, violence, intolerance, and abuses of Muhammad just from the Quran:
Errors in the Quran:
Jesus' crucifixion is one of the most historically certain and attested events in ancient history, but the Quran incorrectly says Jesus wasn't crucified: Surah 4:157-158.
He incorrectly states the composition of the Christian Trinity: Surah 5:116.
He incorrectly says the stars in the sky are missiles against the devils: Surah 37:6-10, 67:5.
He incorrectly said that semen is produced between the backbone and the ribs: Surah 86:5-7.
He gave an incorrect order of the development of babies in the womb: Surah 23:14 (the embryo doesn't first become bones to be later clothed with flesh, but rather the bones and flesh develop at the same time).
He affirms the inspiration and reliability of the Christian Scriptures (Surah 3:3-4, 5:47, 5:66, 5:68, 7:157, 10:94), as well as man’s inability to corrupt God’s Word (6:114-115, 18:27), then turns around and contradicts what it says: Surah 4:157.
He incorrectly implied that the forbidden fruit was from the tree of life in Surah 7:20 and 20:120, but Genesis actually says it was from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil: Genesis 2:16-17.
If in Surah 18 Muhammad is in fact referring to Alexander the Great as Muslim scholars say, then he incorrectly said he was a Muslim.
He incorrectly said he is written about in the Torah and the Gospels: Surah 61:6, 7:157. (Appendix A 8)
He incorrectly said Jesus and His disciples were Muslims: Surah 3:52, 5:111-117, 61:14.
He was wrong about what Jesus said and believed: See Chapter 22: Jesus vs. Muhammad: Who Should We Believe?
Violence, Intolerance, and Abuse in the Quran:
He said kill anybody who leaves Islam: Surah 4:89.
He said Allah will cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: Surah 3:151.
He commanded Muslims to fight and kill the unbelievers: Surah 2:191, 216, 244, 8:39, 9:5, 29, 73, 66:9.
He praised jihad: Surah 47:4-6.
He commanded Muslims to fight against people until they believed in Allah: Surah 8:39.
He commanded Muslims to fight the unbelievers until the pay the jizya tax: Surah 9:29.
He said that fighting is prescribed/ordained for Muslims: Surah 2:216.
He said those who fight for Allah with their riches and their lives are of higher rank than those who don't, and that they will receive a greater reward: Surah 4:95.
He said Allah prefers Muslims who fight over Muslims who don't fight: Surah 4:95.
He told Muslims not to befriend nonbelievers: Surah 3:28, 5:51.
He said Christians and Jews are the worst of all creatures: Surah 98:6.
People in the early Islamic community pretended to be followers of Islam because they feared being killed by Muslims: Surah 9:56-57.
He allowed men to beat their wives into submission: Surah 4:34.
He owned sex slaves: Surah 33:50.
He compared women to land, where men can come whenever they like to sow their seeds: Surah 2:223.
He said two women were worth the witness of one man: Surah 2:282.
He allowed men to marry and have sex with prepubescent girls: Surah 65:4 (Surah 33:49 says there is no waiting period for a man to divorce his wife if he has not had sex with her, and Surah 65:4 prescribes a waiting period for men who want to divorce their prepubescent child-brides. This presupposes that the men have had sex with the prepubescent girls).
Muhammad's Hypocrisy in the Quran:
He said men can have a maximum of 4 wives (Surah 4:3), yet he received a revelation that let himself have more than four: Surah 33:50.
He said that men must treat their wives equally (Surah 4:3), yet he received a revelation that he didn't have: Surah 33:51.